Pickleball: is one of the fastest growing sports in the world and can be played by everyone of any ability. Come along to one of our adult sessions at the community centre and try it out – Fridays at 6pm and Sunday at 4.30 pm. Equipment is provided so just turn up for a very enjoyable hour. We are also trying to get a family session going, teenagers 12-18 accompanied by a parent or guardian and we have some inter-generational games that are fun and sometimes a little competitive! Contact Caitriona if you would like further information on 086-2340632

Kinvara Adventure Talks: will be hosting an exciting presentation full of pictures, video footage and stories from sailing yacht Danu, and her crew’s, journey from Kinvara to Greenland via Iceland which took place last summer. Peter Owens and his crew will share stories of their sailing and climbing experiences while in Greenland, arguably one of the most beautiful places on earth! The presentation will be in Tully’s bar, Kinvara at 8pm on Thursday February 9th 2023. Follow updates and other upcoming adventure talks on FB etc @kinvara adventure talks

KINVARA ALIVE is running the safeTALK workshops again in 2023

The first workshop will take place on the 26th of April at 7pm in the Courthouse in Kinvara. safeTALK (Suicide Alertness for Everyone) AIM: safeTALK is a 3½ hour ‘suicide alertness’ programme that prepares participants (over the age of 18 yrs.) to identify and engage with persons who may be having thoughts of suicide. Participants learn how to provide practical help by using the steps of TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keepsafe) and also gain information on the supports and resources available locally, regionally and nationally. These specific skills are called suicide alertness and are taught with the expectation that the persons learning them will use them to help reduce suicide risk in their community.

The four basic steps of TALK are called ‘suicide alertness skills’ and are taught with the expectation that the person learning them will use them to help save lives and reduce suicide risk in their community. To book a space please go to: https://bookwhen.com/srotraininggmr/e/ev-sjs2-20230426190000