Kinvara Community Childrens Centre: are excited to host A Night at the Races Fundraiser on June 17th in Tully’s Bar. Monies raised will purchase a child and adult specific AED plus heated outdoor storage unit for community use, update to KCCCs playground and equipment for the Afterschool.
It will be a great nights entertainment featuring a race night, tote betting (have a flutter on a filly or two), raffles plus a live DJ and MC. Hope to see you there.
Tidy Towns are looking for community members to own…
Tidy Towns are looking for community members to own a pot or bed to look after and water during the summer. Please contact Hilda on 086 858 4533 if you are up for this way of helping Tidy Towns. This is our busiest time of the year, we are looking for volunteers in their own time or when we meet on a Wednesday at ten thirty, seven thirty pm or on a Saturday at 10.30am. We meet at the Community centre. Would really appreciate help on one occasions too! Thanks Tidy Towns. We can also contacted via FB or Insta.

KAVA Exhibitions and Music in the Courthouse in June
*Erno Kuvaja’s exhibition will continue to run until Sunday 4th June.
*Kinvara Plein air is on Sat. 3rd June until Mon. 5th June
*Claus Echart Kraemer’s exhibition from Fri. 9th June until Sun. 18th June
*Mavis Gormally’s exhibition from Fri. 23rd June until Sun. 2nd July
*Concert in the Courthouse with Vito Sputnik is on Sat. 3rd June from 19.00 – 22.00
Kinvara Bay Sailing Club: are holding a ‘Open Day’ on the June Bank Holiday Monday (5th) on Kinvara Quay at 3pm till approx. 6pm. Welcoming all to view 2 of our 6 clubs boat, meet Committee and Club members and share some drinks & nibbles.
Kinvara Parent & Toddler Group meets every Wednesday morning, both in and out of school term time, from 10am-12noon in the meeting room of the Community Centre.
Thanks to funding from Galway Childcare Committee, we are excited to announce the following upcoming events:
- Mondays from Jun 26 to Jul 24, 10:30-11:30am 5 week course in baby massage with IAIM-accredited instructor Áine Kelly. Cost: €120. Spaces limited, to book contact Áine directly on 087 967 5730.
- Wed Jul 26, 10:30-11:30am Sensory play and story-time to promote language development with speech & language therapist Suzanne Reilly of Babbling Book Club. This event was a huge success last year: please register your interest in advance via our Facebook or WhatsApp (text 087-7662294). No admission charge.
Keep up to date with our news on, or text 087-766 2294 to be added to the group’s WhatsApp thread.