Hey Everybody! we’re delighted to share the line-up for the 2023 Kinvara Adventure Talks! we have a brilliant range of guests this year from surfing and hiking to paramotoring. Come on down to Tully’s and hear some great stories of adventure as the evenings close in.
We’re going to have an adventure book swap each week, if you’re like us with shelves of great stories gathering dust, do bring them along each week and swap them out for something new!
First up is Tessa Rafferty who earned a SheCanDo2021 bursary last year and travelled the coast of Portugal surfing and litter picking.

Kinvara Community Council’s: monthly meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is taking place on Wednesday 18th October at 8pm in Kinvara Community Centre. We encourage all members of the community to attend these meetings where discussion and debates on any items put forward on the agenda are always welcome. All sub groups who are affiliated to Kinvara Community Council must send a representative to every KCC meeting in order to maintain their benefits. Any items for inclusion on the agenda must be emailed in by Monday 16th October and you must be there to present your item.

Tigh Sayre: (just down the hill from Foxes Restaurant) is an Outreach Centre for Gort Family Resource Centre.

We are open from 10am to 1pm daily offering a range of services for the community of Kinvara:

  • Free computer and internet access
  • Low cost printing and photocopying
  • Printing and help with online applications
  • Form filling support
  • Referrals to local supports and services
  • Laminating
  • A meeting room for community groups

This initiative would not be possible without the support of a dedicated group of local volunteers. We are currently looking for new volunteers to join us.  If you have a couple of hours to spare a week and like meeting people we would be delighted for you to join our great team. For more information please contact Janet Sutton 087 791 4127

PLAY in the Community Centre- The Cheque’s In The Post, is a comedy by Alice Lynch, will be staged in Kinvara Community Centre on Saturday, October 21th at 8.00pm.In 1970’s rural Ireland, Sisters Maggie and Mary run their farm without any help – as far as anyone knows. In an old house up a long lane of potholes and empty whiskey bottles, with a banshee who frequents regularly and a neighbour who has his eye on the land, they live unharmoniously until Mary realises her disadvantage cheque hasn’t arrived. Things can only get worse…Presented by the award-winning Clann Machua Drama Group, this is a performance not to be missed. Clann Machua who hail from Kiltimagh, have performed in Kinvara a number of times in recent years to rave reviews so we are delighted to welcome them back on stage in the Community Centre. Tickets at €15 will be available on the door or from ‘Be Yourself’ Boutique in Kinvara. Part of the proceeds will go to Kinvara Town Twinning who will be hosting a group of Breton Visitors from Locoal-Mendon in 2024.Curtain up at 8pm. Doors open at 7:15 Tell all your friends & family!

safeTALK with KINVARA ALIVE is scheduled to take place on Thursday, November 16th, at 7PM at the Courthouse in Kinvara. WHAT IS safeTALK? It is a 3½ hour, internationally recognised, training program that empowers you to identify and engage with individuals struggling with thoughts of suicide. Participants (over the age of 18 yrs.) will: •Grasp the significance of suicide alertness. •Gain clear, actionable information to support those at risk. •Master the TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen, and Keep safe) steps. •Acquire local community resources knowledge. The four basic steps of TALK are called ‘suicide alertness skills’ and are taught with the expectation that the person learning them will use them to help save lives and reduce suicide risk in their community. To book a space please go to: https://bookwhen.com/srotraininggmr#focus=ev-ste8-20231116190000