President Michael D Higgins, Launching the Ireland In Focus
Exhibition at Collins Barracks Dublin on 20 November Last.
Both the President and the Museum thanked Kinvara Community Council for its work in preserving the Cresswell images. M D Higgins thanked all those who were involved in bringing this archive to public attention: “Thank you for your contribution to citizenship for it is a citizenship and contribution in the best sense.”
Report on Exhibition
The exhibition launch went very well and was attended by about 300 people. The President spoke for about 25 minutes. See link below. The French ambassador was also present.
A selection from Robert Cresswell’s work (29 images, people, locations and events in Kinvara) is shown in the first two rooms/spaces. The enlarged B/W and Kodachrome images are shown in the adjoining room.
Bresson’s and Lange’s works are shown in the second room, together with a slide show of Bresson’s work never shown before.
The exhibition runs until April 2020.