Global Kite Flight for Gaza on Sunday 20th of October: Members of Kinvara Palestine Solidarity Group will be supporting the ‘Kites in Solidarity’ Global Kite Flight on October 20th. The event is intended to show solidarity with the children of Gaza who make their own kites and fly them high over Gaza’s beaches so as to to raise their spirits and escape, for a short time, the fear and trauma they face daily. Kite flying has been a much-loved activity in Gaza for decades, in fact the world record for the number of kites in the air at one time (over 12,000) was achieved by children of the Gaza Strip at Al-Waha beach, Gaza Strip, on 28 July 2011. Fly a kite in any location on Sunday, 20th October or come join us at Traught beach at 2pm on that day. All welcome, young, old and in-between.  If you don’t have your own kite we will have some to share. (See ‘Kites in Solidarity’ and Kinvara Palestine Solidarity Group on Facebook and Instagram).