Kinvara Parent & Toddler Group meets every Wednesday morning, both in and out of school term time, from 10am-12noon in the meeting room of the Community Centre.

Thanks to funding from Galway Childcare Committee, we are excited to announce the following upcoming events:

  • Mondays from Jun 26 to Jul 24, 10:30-11:30am 5 week course in baby massage with IAIM-accredited instructor Áine Kelly. Cost: €120. Spaces limited, to book contact Áine directly on 087 967 5730.
  • Wed Jul 26, 10:30-11:30am Sensory play and story-time to promote language development with speech & language therapist Suzanne Reilly of Babbling Book Club. This event was a huge success last year: please register your interest in advance via our Facebook or WhatsApp (text 087-7662294). No admission charge.

Keep up to date with our news on, or text 087-766 2294 to be added to the group’s WhatsApp thread.

St. Coman’s Church & Graveyard: A large part of the graveyard remains in private ownership.  Kinvara Heritage Group continue efforts to establish on what valid grounds title has been granted to these individuals. Galway County Council remain active and continue to assure all efforts are being made on their side to establish the facts.  Continued efforts are being made by Public Representatives for which KHG is grateful. Efforts will continue until this matter is resolved.

Taxi Service in Kinvara: Our local driver, James Fahy, has decided to retire from taxi-driving and will finish up on Sunday 4th June. We would like to take this opportunity to thank James for his many years of providing a great service to our community and wish him the very best for the future. It does, however, leave us without a taxi service in the village and surrounding areas. This is a much needed service. If you, or anyone you know, hold a taxi licence and have some time on your hands, this is a great opportunity to work locally!

25 June – Mary Harrison and Suzie Dodd are hosting an all-day retreat of Gentle somatic yoga and Expressive Art – Take this day to explore your relationship with your own body and your intuition through intuitive art. During this day you will get time to experience a level of awareness in your body, and express from this deep connection by making marks on paper. We will give your busy thinking mind a rest. No yoga or art experience necessary. Call Suzie @ 086 313 7219 or more details at

Town twinning visit to Locoal Mendon: Last Easter weekend eight of us travelled to Locoal Mendon and received a wonderful welcome. The community minibus picked us up at Nantes airport and transported us all weekend. There was a reception in the Mairie on the Saturday morning where we exchanged gifts. We presented them a framed photograph of the Burren and we received an artistic timber representation of an implement used for turning Galettes. When the formalities were over we were taken to visit the megalithic site of the Menhirs in Carnac. A picnic and a stroll on the beach in Carnac followed and later a barbecue, music and wine tasting in the home of John Paul and Ghislaine Mahevas.

Read more: Town twinning visit to Locoal Mendon: Last Easter weekend eight of us travelled to Locoal Mendon and received a wonderful welcome. The community minibus picked us up at Nantes airport and transported us all weekend. There was a reception in the Mairie on the Saturday morning where we exchanged gifts. We presented them a framed photograph of the Burren and we received an artistic timber representation of an implement used for turning Galettes. When the formalities were over we were taken to visit the megalithic site of the Menhirs in Carnac. A picnic and a stroll on the beach in Carnac followed and later a barbecue, music and wine tasting in the home of John Paul and Ghislaine Mahevas.

Kinvara Community Council’s: monthly meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is taking place on Wednesday 19th April at 8pm in Kinvara Community Centre. We encourage all members of the community to attend these meetings where discussion and debates on any items put forward on the agenda are always welcome. All sub groups who are affiliated to Kinvara Community Council must send a representative to every KCC meeting in order to maintain their benefits. Any items for inclusion on the agenda must be emailed in by Monday 17th April.