KAVA (Kinvara Area Visual Arts) West meets East II 24th March to 8th April 2018. While travelling in North Africa, Andalucia and South East Turkey, Kinvara based artist Anne Korff was impressed by the abstract and meditative qualities of Islamic art architecture. Continue reading “Anne Korff at KAVA”
KINVARA ALIVE is holding their AGM this coming Sunday the 25th of March at 8pm in the KCC (Kinvara Community Centre). All welcome. If you are interested in joining and want to put your name forward please contact Gerhard at 0860841218 or you can put your name forward on the night.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade Informaion
All participants in parade should meet at 12.15pm in the following locations:
– horses at hurling pitch
– large trucks, cars and trailers at hurling pitch
– all farm machinery at Bermingham’s field
– all kids & community groups outside St. Joseph’s school
All vehicles will exit town via green road. All kids in parade will walk up glebe rd to the community centre for pick up by parents.
Also we would ask everyone to be mindful of children during parade – there are a large number of horses and vehicles so please stay off the road during the parade. If anyone is available to help with stewarding we are meeting at St. Joseph’s at 12pm. All help greatly appreciated.
Happy st Patrick’s day ☘️
Would you like to help organise a “PLASTIC-FREE-WEEK CHALLENGE” in Kinvara?
Single-use plastic has become a world-wide problem and the problem is growing exponentially. Its coming right up to our doorsteps along our local coastline.
If you would like to help us get started come to a public meeting from 7pm to 8pm on Monday 26th March in the Community Centre and bring along your ideas and enthusiasm. Let’s get started! Helen Lane, Volunteer
Tai Chi Classes
Tai Chi – traditional Chinese exercise . Classes will be held in the Community Centre Hall every Tues and Thurs at 1.10 – 2.10pm starting Tuesday 13th March €5 per class (pay as you go). All welcome. Enquiries: Bartley 087 720 3120
Kinvara Community Council
The Kinvara Community Council will hold it’s next meeting on Wednesday 21st March at 8pm in the community centre. All members of the community are welcome. An agenda of the meeting will be posted on our Facebook page nearer the time.
Faces and Crafts of Kinvara
In early March KAVA (Kinvara Area Visual Arts) will host an exhibition of portraits by photographer Markus Voetter. ‘Faces & Crafts of Kinvara’ is composed of striking images of local Kinvara craftspeople at work. You will no doubt recognise many of the faces! Markus is originally from East Germany and now lives in Kinvara. Friday 2nd March to Sunday 18th March 2018 at The Courthouse, Kinvara Open daily 12 noon to 6pm. All are welcome to come in and have a look!
Kinvara Walks
Kinvara Walks are kicking off their 2018 season with 2 walks on St. Patrick’s Holiday Weekend – Sunday, 18 March and Monday, 19 March. Why not escape all that madness and enjoy nature with us on one of our walks! Continue reading “Kinvara Walks”
We are delighted to announce that gymnastics classes in the Kinvara Community Centre are re-starting from Wednesday 28th February 2018. Continue reading “Gymnastics”
Kinvara Bay Sailing Club
Kinvara Bay sailing Club are holding their annual table quiz in the Merriman on Friday 23rd of March. All welcome, tables €40.00 There will be a raffle on the night.