Kinvara Swimming Clubs’ early years, Greasy Pole, Quay Galas, Green Island Swim memories,. Does handing Paddy Geraghty 50p on the swimming bus evoke a memory of a bygone era when Kinvara kids went swimming in their droves? Were you an avid swimmer in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90’s? Do you have any memories, pictures, stories about the formation of Kinvara Swimming Club or the Galas that were held at the Quay?

If so, Kinvara Regional Pool Committee want to hear from you! Any trivia, no matter how small is appreciated. Kinvara has a long history of swimming and we want to chronicle how this came to be.

We are holding an information gathering weekend in Kinvara Community Centre on Saturday March 11th and Sunday March 12th from 5-8pm. Please come along and share your swimming-based memories, photos, certificates of the past so that we can collate this information into a pamphlet.

For further information or if you want to share anything in advance, please email

St. Patrick’s Day Parade this year is driven by our Community and emergence post Covid highlighting our sporting ambitions, an increase in the number of community groups (over 75) and volunteerism, new arrivals into our village, values of community, diversity, youth, biodiversity and sustainability. The theme ‘’A Community with Ambition’ reflects our community spirit, energy and gives hope for the future of our village on many levels. The parade will feature the traditional mix of floats, musicians and community groups.   There will be several prizes ranging from best dressed on day, best community walker group, best float, shiniest tractor, best window display and the best interpretation of the theme.   The organising team of volunteers invites all sporting and community groups across all of our community to come together to celebrate, participate,  share and shine a light on our ambitions and goals for 2023 and beyond. The parade will start at 2pm sharp, all floats/cars/tractors will start to arrive at the Kinvara GAA grounds from 1pm and all walkers/community groups need to be at St. Josephs NS by 1.30pm.  The parade (and route) will make its way from the Kinvara GAA grounds, up past St. Josephs NS, down Main Street, around Connolly’s pub and will end at the green near the Pier head restaurant.

Community Centre Meitheal, Saturday March 25thwe need help to power hose the front and sides of the Community centre and to relay new chippings/stones in two small sections around flower beds at the Community centre.  We welcome volunteers for two hours anytime in the morning from 9am to 1pm. We are asking the many users of the community centre to consider helping. Refreshments will be served on the day. Please contact Tidy Towns on social media, leave your name and details with Eilish in the Community centre or message 086 8584533. 

PROTECT OUR NATURE – HEDGE CUTTING it is estimated that hedgerows cover approximately 1.5% of the land area of Ireland. Hedgerows provide botanical diversity as well as food and shelter for animals, most notably birds. They also act as corridors connecting habitats. It is an offence (Section 40 of the Wildlife Act, 1976, as amended by Section 46 of the 2000 Act), to cut, grub, burn or otherwise destroy hedgerows during the nesting season from 1 March to 31 August, subject to certain exceptions’. Let’s protect our birds, our butterflies our insects and small mammals so our children and grandchildren can grow up with them in their lives. It is best for us all if any necessary work to hedgerows is done from September to end February.  Let’s protect nature! If you see what you suspect to be a hedge-cutting offence you can report it to your local NPWS office (see or your local Garda station. If you have any questions regarding the Wildlife Act contact

KINVARA ALIVE is running the safeTALK workshops again in 2023.The first workshop will take place on the 26th of April at 7pm in the Courthouse in Kinvara. safeTALK (Suicide Alertness for Everyone) AIM: safeTALK is a 3½ hour ‘suicide alertness’ programme that prepares participants (over the age of 18 yrs.) to identify and engage with persons who may be having thoughts of suicide. Participants learn how to provide practical help by using the steps of TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keepsafe) and also gain information on the supports and resources available locally, regionally and nationally. These specific skills are called suicide alertness and are taught with the expectation that the persons learning them will use them to help reduce suicide risk in their community. The four basic steps of TALK are called ‘suicide alertness skills’ and are taught with the expectation that the person learning them will use them to help save lives and reduce suicide risk in their community. To book a space please go to:

Tígh Sayre Resource Centre: For Individuals, Families and the Community. Tígh Sayre is an outreach centre for Gort Resource Centre serving the community of Kinvara and surrounding areas. We are open every week day from 10am to 1pm. We offer:

  • Free computer and internet access
  • Low cost printing and photocopying
  • Scanning documents
  • Laminating
  • Help with form filling and online applications
  • Information about local supports and services
  • Referrals to local supports and services
  • Meeting room for community groups and service providers

Originally “Sayre’s Restaurant” run by Kinvara resident Sayre Shallow, this space has been made available to the community due to the generosity of the Shallow family in accordance with Sayre’s wishes after she died. If you have any enquiries about the services we offer or if you would like to book the room for a meeting or an event please contact Gort Resource Centre: Tel: 091 630902 Email: Tígh Sayre is run by a group of local volunteers. If you are interested in joining us please contact the Gort Resource Centre

Kinvara Community Council’s: monthly meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is taking place on Wednesday 15th February at 8pm in Kinvara Community Centre. We encourage all members of the community to attend these meetings where discussion and debates on any items put forward on the agenda are always welcome. All sub groups who are affiliated to Kinvara Community Council must send a representative to every KCC meeting in order to maintain their benefits. Any items for inclusion on the agenda must be emailed in by Monday 13th February.

Community Centre Energy Upgrade – The Community Council has been allocated a grant of €219,757 from the Community Centre Investment Fund. The Community Council is required to provide 5% match funding. The grant will be used to upgrade the energy efficiency of the community centre. Work will include the insulation of walls, floors, doors and the installation of a heat pump, solar panels and led lighting. A subcommittee has been formed and a project manager will be appointed shortly. It is anticipated the majority of the work will take place during the summer of 2023. Centre users will be kept informed of any possible disruption to their activities and an update will be provided at the monthly community meeting.