KINVARA ALIVE is running the safeTALK workshops again in 2023

The first workshop will take place on the 26th of April at 7pm in the Courthouse in Kinvara. safeTALK (Suicide Alertness for Everyone) AIM: safeTALK is a 3½ hour ‘suicide alertness’ programme that prepares participants (over the age of 18 yrs.) to identify and engage with persons who may be having thoughts of suicide. Participants learn how to provide practical help by using the steps of TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keepsafe) and also gain information on the supports and resources available locally, regionally and nationally. These specific skills are called suicide alertness and are taught with the expectation that the persons learning them will use them to help reduce suicide risk in their community.

The four basic steps of TALK are called ‘suicide alertness skills’ and are taught with the expectation that the person learning them will use them to help save lives and reduce suicide risk in their community. To book a space please go to:

Fantastic news for Kinvara with the announcement that the Community Council has been allocated €220,000 under the government’s Community Centre Investment Fund.

The grant will be used to undertake a major energy refit of the Community Centre. The project will include floor and wall insulation, an air to water heat pump, as well as new fire doors, energy lighting and solar panels.

The application submission was compiled by the Kinvara Sustainable Energy Community and the Board of the Community Council, with support from Councillor Joe Byrne and Ciaran Cannon TD.

The project will be undertaken during the course of 2023 and by this time next year we should have an energy efficient, warm and cosy Community Centre with greatly reduced CO2 emissions. 

Kind regards, KCC Directors

Kinvara Community Council’s: monthly meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is taking place on Wednesday 16th November at 8pm in Kinvara Community Centre. We encourage all members of the community to attend these meetings where discussion and debates on any items put forward on the agenda are always welcome. All sub groups who are affiliated to Kinvara Community Council must send a representative to every KCC meeting in order to maintain their benefits. Any items for inclusion on the agenda must be emailed in by Monday 14th November.

St. Coman’s Church and Graveyard: Set in the heart of Kinvara, St. Coman’s Church and graveyard is an ecclesiastical enclosure that dates from the 11th century, with records suggesting the current structure was built on the site of a much earlier church. It was there when the village grew up around this monastic site. Our ancestors are buried in the heart of our village where they lived. For this reason its existence is part of Kinvara’s rich, proud history, and culture.

Private individuals have now claimed ownership of a section of St. Coman’s graveyard containing at least 27 graves.  To see for yourself, visit the Property Registration Authority (PRA) web site (You can enter as a ‘guest’ and search for Main Street, Kinvara. Zoom into St. Coman’s church and graveyard.  See the outline of the Folio that includes the graveyard for yourself).

Ask yourself the simple questions: On what basis were private individuals made registered owners of a large section of St. Coman’s Graveyard in which there are documented graves? How can private individuals be given ownership of the graves of Kinvara people?

Ask your local representatives.Get your neighbours, friends and relatives to contact them too, asking the same questions? If you’re on social media such as Twitter or Facebook ask the same question. This cannot be allowed to stand. Please do what you can to help St. Coman’s – the graveyard has survived for so long, we cannot allow the site to be dismantled on our watch?

KINVARA ALIVE – safeTALK workshop Wednesday 16th November, Courthouse, Kinvara, 7pm-10.30pmsafeTALK is a free, fully-certified, 3 to 3.5 hour, HSE facilitated suicide alertness programme. It prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. These specific skills are called suicide alertness and are taught with the expectation that the person learning them will use them to help save lives. Expect to leave safeTALK more willing and informed. To book, please use the following link before Wednesday 9th November