Gort Further Education & Training Centre has new part time courses starting in January. Daytime courses include Care Support, Special Needs Assisting and Challenging Behaviour, very suitable for anyone considering working in healthcare or social care. We have a new Health & Fitness course starting, designed for anyone looking for tips to improve their health and well-being in a friendly and relaxed environment. We also have daytime and evening computer courses at improvers and intermediate level. If you’re interested in something creative for the New Year we also have a daytime film course or an evening creative textiles course. Funding is available for those not in work and those working looking to re-skill or upskill. Our courses are accessible to all, why not try something new for 2023? Call in to see us after the Halloween mid-term break to find out more, phone 091 630624 or apply online: www.fetchcourses.ie.
Kinvara Community Council’s: monthly meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is taking place on Wednesday 21st September at 8pm in Kinvara Community Centre. This meeting will be preceded by our AGM. We encourage all members of the community to attend these meetings. All sub groups who are affiliated to Kinvara Community Council must send a representative to every KCC meeting in order to maintain their benefits. Any items for inclusion on the agenda must be emailed in by Monday 19th September.
Kinvara Community Childrens Centre is a community run, child-centred service nestled in the heart of the village. It caters for the children of the community from the ages of four months to 12 years offering a variety of services from junior rooms, ECCE right through to Afterschool and holiday camps.
After a 13 year long career at Kinvara Community Childrens Centre, Christiane Schulte stepped down as manager at the end of June 2022. Frankie McHugh, who has been with KCCC since 2014 has been appointed the permanent role of Service Manager.
KCCC is built up of a team of early years professionals who strive to create a home from home environment for the children in our care throughout their childcare journey. We promote diversity and inclusion within the centre and believe it is an integral part of a child’s progression into building a positive sense of self, sense of belonging and ultimately realising their full potential.
We are guided by Aistear and Siolta. Learning is encouraged through play and will challenge children through a variety of stage appropriate activities to enhance their learning.
We see each child for the individual that they are and strive to forge strong relationships with parents and caregivers. We welcome any potential parents to arrange a visit where we will be happy to talk with you and give you a tour.
The Cruinniú na mBád Community would like to thank everyone who made this year’s event so special. Returning after Covid was a challenge, but the support of so many of the local community groups getting involved and creating a fabulous village fete atmosphere.
The support of so many of the local business both practically and financial was a key factor in the success, and the feedback was very positive.
The weather played its part although the lack of wind on Sunday was disappointing for the Bádórí who had travelled from far for the event, however, the feedback from them was very positive and they all look forward to next year.
We had one of the biggest turn outs of boats for some years, and they were in immaculate condition, the fleet was just amazing when you consider some of the boats are well over a hundred years old.
The combination of community, tradition, and heritage with a sprinkling sunshine was just magic.
The committee are holding a debriefing meeting on Monday the 12th of September at 8pm in the community centre. Everyone is welcome, all observations and suggestions welcome, we would love to hear the feedback so we can plan for next year.
KAVA News September 2022 Upcoming exhibitions:
– Kava member- Pam Fleming 02/09 – 11/09 – “In the beginning’’ –Opening night- Friday the 2nd at 7.30.
– Guest artist – David Dunne –sculpture artist from Dublin – exhibition as part of the culture night. –23/09- 2/10