Kinvara Community Council’s: monthly meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is taking place on Wednesday 17th November at 8pm in Kinvara Community Centre. We encourage all members of the community to attend these meetings. All sub groups who are affiliated to Kinvara Community Council must send a representative to every KCC meeting in order to maintain their benefits. Any items for inclusion on the agenda must be emailed in before Monday 15th November.
The Community Centre Hall; have a number of afternoon slots available to rent: Monday 3.30 – 6.15pm, Tuesday 3.30 – 7.15pm, Thurs 3.30 – 7.45pm. Cost per hour is €20 per hour for commercial use and €15 per hour for community use. All users must provide their own insurance cover in order to rent the centre.
KAVA NEWS; Oct 29 – Nov 7 Bernadette Burns is having an exhibition entitled “The Uncertainty of History – Remembering Eileen Quinn”. This is a visual arts exhibition which explores family memory as a valid addition to the canon of history. The paintings, sculpture, audio, and artist’s books in this exhibition grew from a diary entry by her grandmother Tessie Burns referring to the shooting of Eileen, her younger sister near Ardrahan in 1920.
Nov 19 – 28: KAVA member Oliver Tennyson will be having a solo exhibition of his artwork in the Courthouse
December 3-5 & 11-12: KAVA members will be having a post card exhibition over two weekends in December in the Courthouse of A5 size artwork all for sale anonymously (names revealed at the end of the show)