Volunteers List

  • Volunteers list: Know of anyone in need/alone/elderly during this crisis we are facing? We are a small group of local women who have the time to help out, be it to do a grocery shop, collect and deliver take away meals, collect prescriptions, pensions (An Post said people can nominate someone to collect pensions).

Please contact any one of us:

 Jackie Veale                            086 175 0391 jckveale@gmail.com
Fiona Freeney                         087 365 8958 fionafreaney@gmail.com
Chris Harnett Dalton           087 857 6561 paulchrisdalton@gmail.com
Siobhan Brennan Dwyer   087 919 5241

Ann Heaney                            086 807 9349

Dana Conole                           085 118 3305

Deirdre Barrow                       086 873 3815

Eileen Tully                             087 171 6136

Paul Dalton                             087 901 6160

Whatever way we can help we will. Stay safe & stay home.

KCC immediate Closure March 2020

COVID-19 : Community Centre Closure

In support of the general effort to curtail the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Kinvara Community Centre will close with immediate effect. The Centre will remain closed until at least 30th March. This date will be subject to review on an on-going basis.  

As a result, all Kinvara Community events, including the Community Council meeting of 18th March, have been cancelled.

The closure has been advised to event organisers who will communicate specific arrangements with their members / participants.

The Community Centre office will continue to operate and may be contacted during normal office hours (Mon-Fri 9-12 noon) at communitycentre@kinvara.ie or by phone on 087 611 1992

Regular community updates will be issued by email commencing next week. Please share this and other communications from the Community Centre with friends and neighbours by forwarding, printing or by advising the office of email addresses that you consider should be included on general mailings.

The Board of Kinvara Community Council regret the inconvenience this action may cause but hope that you understand the decision has been taken to assist in the protection of the public health of the community.

Kinvara Community Council strongly recommends that everyone follows the advice of the HSE https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus.html about ongoing protective measures against the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19 : Community Support

We have been advised that businesses in Kinvara are operating a home delivery service for those who are unable to travel. To date the following services are available:

Groceries:        Burke’s EuroSpar – contact 091 637 250 and ask for Tommy

Hot Meals:      Keogh’s Restaurant – contact 091 638 481

Hot Meals:      Merriman Hotel – contact 091 638 222

If you have a service that you would like to be included in upcoming community emails please advise the Community Centre Office (communitycentre@kinvara.ie.  Other services will be advised as they become known.

Kinvara Community Council’s

Kinvara Community Council’s: monthly meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is taking place on Wednesday 18th March at 8pm in Kinvara Community Centre. We encourage all members of the community to attend these meetings. All sub groups who are affiliated to Kinvara Community Council must send a representative to every KCC meeting in order to maintain their benefits. Any items for inclusion on the agenda must be emailed in before Friday 13th March.

Cruinniú na mBád AGM

You are cordially invited to this year’s Cruinniú na mBád AGM which will take place in Tully’s Bar, Kinvara between 8-9pm on Thursday March 5th 2020. We are actively seeking new people to join our team and we would love to hear your ideas and suggestions for the 41st Anniversary of the festival which will take place the weekend of August 14th-16th 2020. The AGM is open to the general public so please forward this notice to anybody that would like to attend.

Kinvara Area Visual Arts (KAVA)

Our next event in the Courthouse is an exhibition entitled, “Remembering Leen.” This is an exhibition celebrating the life’s work of Leen Vandommele, presented by her son Jeroen Vandommele. Leen wasn’t just an artist; she was also a poet, writer, singer, musician, and mother. The exhibition opens Friday the 6th of March at 7:30pm and will be open the following days thereafter from 1-5pm: Sat the 7th, Sunday the 8th, Wed the 11th, Thurs the 12th, Sat the 14th, and Sunday the 15th is the final day. 

Kinvara Tidy Towns

Kinvara Tidy Towns hold their first Big Clean Up day on Saturday 21st March 11 to 1. Meet at the community centre. All welcome. Lots of jobs pruning, planting and weeding and litter picking. Nice cup of tea and chat afterwards.

Community Support Grants

Community Support Grants – Cllr. Joe Byrne confirms the following Community Support Grants and confirms the wonderful work being done in the: Community Cruinniú na mBád €1500, Burren Enterprises Hot Desk Facility €1000, Kinvara Farmers Market €1000, Kinvara Tidy Towns €450, An tAmhran Beo €400, KAVA €450, St Coman’s Heritage Group €300. I would also like to include the following which directly influences our Community – Gort Cancer Support €6000 and are so deserved of our support

Kinvara Alive

Kinvara Alive will hold their Annual General Meeting on Sunday 22nd March at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. The meeting is open to the public and a warm welcome will be offered to anyone wishing to attend. Kinvara Alive” raises awareness about well-being and mental health in our community.