Hi everyone this is our schedule for the coming months. You can come along at any of our times. We will be doing a mix of planting pruning maintenance of flower beds weeding and litter picking at every time slot and you can choose to help in whatever area you wish.

Months Kinvara Tidy Town Activity
11th & 25th of January 2020 Tidy Towns Planning
January – October 2020 Tuesdays 10.30 – 11.30 am
1st February –  October 2020 Saturdays 11am – 1pm
3rd March – September 2020 Tuesdays 7 – 8 pm
29th February Earthkeeper Challenge Registration &  Environmental Workshop for Kinvara Primary School Children.
17th March St Patricks Day Parade – Tidy Towns will take part.
21st March Kinvara Community Clean Up Day
4th May B. Holiday Traught Clean up
16th May Kinvara Get Ready for Summer – Kinvara Clean up
Usually the first week in June Commencement of Tidy Towns Judging

Plastic Free Kinvara and Tidy Towns

Plastic Free Kinvara and Tidy Towns; are partnering again to kick off their Earth Keeper programme for 2020. This is to raise environmental awareness in primary school children. A fun day of art and science workshops will be held on Saturday 29th Feb 11am until 4.30pm. Watch this space for further details!

Kinvara Alive invites you to ‘Coffee & Company’

Kinvara Alive invites you to ‘Coffee & Company’ on Thursday February 13th. Come along to any of the participating venues between 9am – 12noon and enjoy a free coffee or tea on us! Take a seat and maybe say hello to the nearest friendly face! Look out for our posters with more information. Kinvara Alive raises awareness about wellbeing and mental health in our community.

Kinvara Area Music (KAM)

Kinvara Area Music (KAM) presents Luka Bloom who needs no introduction to Irish audiences and KAM are delighted to welcome him back to Kinvara on Saturday 22nd February ar 8pm. Luka is an accomplished guitarist for whom rhythm is key. Onstage, his body is at one with the flow of his music. Book early to enjoy Luka Bloom performing his latest songs – and some old favourites! Tickets €15/€13 on sale now!


SMALL TOWNS BIG IDEAS’ GALWAY 2020 PROJECT Exciting news, the proposal submitted under Kinvara Community Council called ‘Pier to Peer’ focusing on our 4 local piers: Kinvara, Parkmore, Crushoa and Ceibh a’ Lochain (New Town Lynch), (and possibly Tarrea Pier) has been chosen to be part of the Galway 2020 Capital of Culture ‘Small Towns Big Ideas’ project.


Tigh Sayre – a Community Space and Resource Centre.

Tigh Sayre – a Community Space and Resource Centre. Tigh Sayre opened its doors in Kinvara last May as an outreach of Gort Family Resource Centre to provide a warm and welcoming place for use by the whole community. The ground floor space of this beautiful old building has been made available through the generosity of the family of the late Sayre Shallow, a former well known resident of Kinvara, in accordance with her wishes.

Continue reading “Tigh Sayre – a Community Space and Resource Centre.”

Kinvara Carpooling

Carpooling; there has been talk of starting up a carpooling system in Kinvara. Anyone interested in offering lifts to other people can put a green dot-sticker on their windscreen. People can then see you are willing to offer them a seat. The sticker is available at Healing Harvest, Kinvara. This alternative system benefited a lot of people back in the ‘60’s and is now becoming popular again in small villages throughout the continent. It could be helpful for short distances around Kinvara and for Gort, Galway etc. The next step might be having a pick-up point (e.g. bus stop or a shop entrance) where people can indicate that they are looking for a lift. This is a worthy community activity and good for the environment.