Kinvara Parent & Toddler Group: are a group of local parents who meet each Wednesday mornings in the community centre from 10 – 12noon during school term time. WE are a fun relaxed group and offer each other support/toys/friends/tea and chat. Ages are New-borns to pre-school and a donation of €2/3 per family. Pop in any time.
Aikido Classes for Adults
Aikido Classes for Adults in the Doorus Dojo on Thursdays 8-9.30pm. Beginners always welcome. Contact Paul 087 9892919. Classes for children and teenagers on Wednesday evenings. Contact Padraig 091 638961
Kinvara FM Community Radio
Kinvara FM Community Radio Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 24th of October at 8 pm in the community centre meeting room. All are welcome..
Irish Road Safety Week 2019
Irish Road Safety Week 2019 is taking place Monday 7th – 13th October with lots of road safety activities planned nationwide.. Gardaí will be out policing and prosecuting defective vehicles for no NCT, Faulty lights and illegal tyres – so time to get your vehicle checked!
Northampton National School
Northampton National School Fun Bingo Main Fundraiser
Northampton National School are running their annual Fun Bingo fundraiser on Saturday the 12th of October in Kinvara Community Centre for all you Bingo lovers out there! Doors open at 7.30pm, starts at 7.45pm. Tickets 10 euros which can be brought at the door for adults, Kids are 5 euros…Great night for all the family with Great prizes and fun to be had! All are so welcome for what promises to be another great social night. Check out further details on various communities Facebook pages including the KCC.
Tidy Towns Call Out to the Community – Saturday 19th at 11am – 1pm, Meet at Community Centre
Want to learn more about pruning and getting your plants and trees ready for winter ? And also help the Tidy Towns work on Community areas with shrubs, trees and beds to get them ready for 2020 ! If so, we would love to see you for a short tips session on ‘how best to prune’ on Saturday the 19th of October from 11 – 1pm followed by some work on focus areas around village where you can apply what you learned. May also work on composting and bulb planting if sufficient help and time permitting. Please come prepared weather wise. Can you also please bring your own pruning/clipper handtools/spades and garden shears. Do not worry if you do not have any, we will have some equipment available on day. Light refreshments will also be served. We would love to see you there ! Meet you in the Memorial garden across from the Community Centre for the Pruning skills tips short workshop at 11am on Saturday 19th.
The Burren Winterage Weekend 2
The Burren Winterage Weekend 2019 Oct 24th – Oct 27th, the Burren Winterage, the ancient and unique practice of winter grazing in the Burren, is the inspiration for the Burren Winterage Weekend festival, due to take place this year between Oct 24th and 27th, in the beautiful Burren region. Focusing this year on the theme of Building a healthy future for people, food and nature, the programme promises a rich variety of events such as the Burren Winterage School, book readings, film screenings, a children’s art workshop, the national Farming for Nature Awards and the much-loved community Cattle Drive. A choice of guided walks on Saturday 26th of October include an early Herdsman’s Walk led by Patrick McCormack, who is sure to tell fascinating stories about farming and the Burren. On Saturday afternoon, environmentalist Gordon D’Arcy will lead a children’s art and nature workshop on the theme of ‘Wildlife on the Farm’. On Sunday, the 27th of October, members of the public will be invited to join the Burren Winterage Cattle Drive, a long uphill walk with a Burren farming family as they walk, from the village of Carron, their cattle to the winter pastures. Full information on the programme on
Burren Lowlands CLG,
Burren Lowlands CLG, whose aim is to make the region of south Galway and north Clare a better place to live, work and visit, is conducting a study of all the communities within the area to find out more about what is happening in each. The results of study will inform a LEADER funding application for the region. Information on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of each will be gathered. This study is being carried out by Teresa Butler, anyone interested in contributing is invited to contact Teresa on (087) 237 64 59 or email:
Have you ever thought about Fostering?
Have you ever thought about Fostering? for more information contact Deirdre O’Brien, Fostering Social Worker at Tusla on 091 768360
American Square Dance Workshop & Dance!!