Kinvara Community Alert Text Alert Scheme

The Kinvara Community Alert Text Alert Scheme is in operation with over 100 members. The Text Alert Scheme is used to get short, immediate messages out to registered users who have an interest in helping reduce crime and help keep the community in which they live or work safer.

If you wish to join please email for more details. Keep an eye out for the new Kinvara Community Alert signs on each approach road to Kinvara which will be erected over the coming months. 

Muintir na Tíre

Muintir na Tíre has been allocated funding by the Department of Rural and Community Development to install Carbon Monoxide alarms in the homes of elderly and vulnerable persons. This programme is aimed at persons who do not have existing alarms and do not have the resources to install alarms themselves. It will be rolled out through the Kinvara Community Alert Group who will apply for alarms for residents in their areas and will install them on a voluntary basis. They are battery powered alarms so installation is straightforward.

Kinvara Scout Group

Kinvara Scout Group: 28th Galway Kinvara scouts will be resuming in September and are looking forward to an active scout year. With nearly 90 youth members, both boys and girls, from age 6 to 19 years old. Beavers, ( 6-8yrs), meet on Fridays; cubs (9-11yrs) on Mondays, scouts (12-15yrs) on Wednesday evenings all in Kinvara Community Centre. Ventures (15-17yrs) and Rovers (18+) meet on Wednesdays in Kilcornan. Scouting is about developing young people to be independent, balanced, confident and responsible adults with problem solving skills. Scouting involves learning by doing, working in teams, youth leadership, lots of fun and of course outdoor adventures, such as hillwalking, backwoods, orienteering, pioneering, paddling and camping. All of our sections went on camps this summer and had a blast. Annual scout registration for all sections will take place at KCC on 9th Sept at 18.30. If new youth members are interested please contact to see if there is space in the relevant section. New members, even in older sections do not need any scouting experience. We are also recruiting new adult leaders as we cannot run an effective programme without volunteers. No scout experience is necessary as training is provided. Naturally, all adults working with young people must undergo Garda vetting.

Siar Dance

Siar Dance Ballet is now taking booking for classes starting September 4th! Classes are on Tuesday’s in Susie Dodd Yoga studio Kinvara. Ages 4 – 13yrs. Small personalised classes taught by a registered RAD ballet teacher in a beautiful studio for children with a love of dance. Contact Síomha at or 085 233 9806

Kinvara Community Council

Kinvara Community Council’s monthly meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is taking place on Wednesday 19th June at 8pm in Kinvara Community Centre. We encourage all members of the community to attend these meetings. All sub groups who are affiliated to Kinvara Community Council must send a representative to every KCC meeting in order to maintain their benefits. Any items for inclusion on the agenda must be emailed in before Friday 14th June.

Kinvara Men’s Shed

Kinvara Men’s Shed opening times are:

Tuesdays. 11am – 2pm,

Thursdays 11am – 2pm,

Fridays 11am – 2pm,

Saturdays 11am – 2pm.

All are welcome. We are located behind the GAA Hurling Pitch, Moy Road, Kinvara.

Kinvara Community Clean Up

Kinvara Community Clean Up. June 1st – 9th is national clean up week on our Coasts. Clean Coasts / An Taisce are collaborating with Coca Cola Ireland to promote local communities cleaning up their beaches. This is the first of two national beach clean-up weeks in Ireland this year. Why not join the ‘Kinvara Earth keepers and Volunteers’ on Monday the 3rd of June from 11 – 1pm on Traught beach to play your part…  All are welcome.  Only ask that you come prepared for all weather, and that all children are accompanied at all times on the beach by a guardian or parent. Would love to see you there….


Kinvara Earth Keeper Challenge

The Kinvara Earth Keeper Challenge is for primary school children. It seeks to provide fun opportunities through the challenge for children to build on what they have learned from their green school programme and put it into practice during this summer (pick up litter, use refillable water bottles and reduce single use plastic). To learn more, check out the Kinvara Plastics Free Facebook page and the Tidy Towns Facebook pages over the next six weeks on how to sign up and enter the competitions. Continue reading “Kinvara Earth Keeper Challenge”