Galway 2020 Livefeed looking for young musicians!!

Livefeed: Consultation Date: Saturday, May 11th Time: 11am – 2pm Venue: Kinvara Community Centre. Livefeed is a Galway 2020 project for young people (aged 13 – 18) interested in music performance, production and promotion. We want to talk to young people from the Kinvara area about putting on a live music event in June. If you are interested in song writing, performing, recording, sound engineering, audio/ video production, photography, social media, journalism or anything to do with the music industry we would love to hear from you! Livefeed will be hosting a consultation about this and other opportunities for young people interested in music in the Kinvara Community Centre from 11am – 2pm on Saturday, May 11th. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Contact to book your place and get involved! Please contact to discuss any access or participation issues. Continue reading “Galway 2020 Livefeed looking for young musicians!!”

KAM Presents Ultan Conlon

Kinvara Area Music: KAM welcomes Galwayman Ultan Conlon as he rises to fame! 2018 was hugely successful for Ultan Conlon who has toured Ireland & the UK with Eddi Reader and The Stunning…. Ultan has a special ability at capturing the human spirit through his lyrics, which have been honed over almost two decades of writing and performing. The quality of his song writing is equally matched by his powerful yet fragile voice that critics have likened to the great Roy Orbison. Saturday 11th May. Doors at 8pm. Ticket on the door or on

Kinvara Swimming and Lifesaving 50 year Celebration:

Kinvara Swimming and Lifesaving 50 year Celebration: This year marks 50 years of Kinvara Swimming and Lifesaving Club being in operation. Throughout that time thousands of local children have learned to swim, and learned lifesaving with the club. The club plans to celebrate the occasion on 16th June with a family fun day in Traught, lifesaving demonstrations , and an evening event in Kinvara where we hope as many as possible of past, present, and indeed future members of the club will come together to celebrate this milestone. A dedicated facebook page has been set up at and more detailed information will be posted these in the coming weeks. We hope to see as many past and present members as possible on the 16th June.

Kinvara Community Clean Up Day: Saturday 25 th 11-2pm

Kinvara Community Clean Up Day: Saturday 25 th 11-2pm.. Kinvara Tidy Towns are organising a second Community Clean-up Day to complete much needed work pre the Spring/Summer season off. We are inviting everyone in our Community to come along and make a difference. It’s your place so now that the streets and paths look so much better let’s all join together to pick up litter, do some gardening of our flower beds/pots, maybe some small repairs or whatever you feel you can contribute. Continue reading “Kinvara Community Clean Up Day: Saturday 25 th 11-2pm”

BIO Tuning Group

Biofield Tuning group continues through May on Mondays at 8-9.30 pm in Kinvara Community Centre. €15 on drop-in basis. Regular attendance maximises benefits. All welcome to join this lovely group of people to receive a deep tuning working through one chakra a week systematically. This fascinating energy work is both balancing and clearing. See for info and book with Jackie on 08341117498 (

Coole Music Gala Concert

In collaboration with Fleadh na gCúach, Coole Music and Arts will present their popular annual Gala Concert in Kinvara Community Centre on Sunday May 5th at 6pm.  Coole Music Youth Orchestra, Sonic Strings, and Coole Music chamber musicians will perform an eclectic mix of music ranging from Bach to the Beatles. Tickets €5 will be available at the door.

Kinvara Community Council

Kinvara Community Council’s monthly meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is taking place on Wednesday 17th April at 8pm in Kinvara Community Centre. We encourage all members of the community to attend these meetings. All sub groups who are affiliated to Kinvara Community Council must send a representative to every KCC meeting in order to maintain their benefits. Any items for inclusion on the agenda must be emailed in before Friday 12th April.

Kinvara Bay Sailing Club

Kinvara Bay Sailing Club: are having their annual table quiz on Friday 5th April in the Merriman 8pm sharp €40.00 per table of four.


Kinvara Tidy Towns are organising a Community Clean-up Day to start the Spring/Summer season off. We are inviting everyone in our Community to come along and make a difference. It’s your place so now that the streets and paths look so much better let’s all join together to pick up litter, do some gardening of our flower beds/pots, maybe some small repairs/painting jobs or whatever you feel you can contribute.

Saturday 6th April we will meet at the Community Centre at 11am and you can get started and give an hour or whatever is suitable for you. We have some gloves and pickers and bags and gardening tools but bring your own if you can. If you are late don’t worry just look around for us and join in!

Community groups in particular are asked to come and work together as we all enjoy living in a beautiful place so let’s show pride in our place. More details on Facebook Kinvara Tidy Towns.