Kinvara Area Music: KAM is delighted present a very special evening with John Spillane – acclaimed musician, songwriter, storyteller, poet and dreamer, to the GiG Room at the community centre. John is a very popular visitor to the area, you can be sure of an entertaining and enjoyable evening on Saturday 6th April. Doors at 8pm. Ticket on the door or on
Burren Beo Trust Events
April Members’ Walk “The Town of Gort – A Historical Walk” with Rory O’Shaughnessy and Sr. de Lourdes Fahy Sunday 7th of April 2019, 2 pm, Gort (Start location to be sent to members of Burrenbeo Trust) This is a rare opportunity to explore the hidden history of Gort town with two of the most knowledgeable local historians. The walk will take in Gort Inse Guaire – the field island of Guaire, the O’Shaughnessy Castle, development of the market town under the Prendergast Smyth’s, famine and the workhouse, and Gort’s literary connections, including that with W.B. Yeats. Continue reading “Burren Beo Trust Events”
Seamount College….
is hosting an Afternoon Tea fundraiser on Sunday 7th April at 3pm in the Merriman Hotel. This is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon with a delicious selection of savoury bites, scones and cream, and sweet treats. Tickets cost €25 and are on sale from the school office or outside Burke’s Londis on Friday 5th April from 11am-5pm. All funds raised will go towards the refurbishment of the Student Wellbeing/Pastoral Care area of the school.
Kinvara Alive:
Kinvara Alive is holding their annual AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Sunday, the 7th of April, at 8pm in the Kinvara Community Centre. Everybody is welcome. Please come along, meet the new committee and find out what is coming up in 2019.
Exhibition on Plastic Pollution:
is an exhibition to help people to understand what is happening to all this plastic going around in the world, especially in the seas and what we can do to improve the situation here and even more so for the poorer countries who are recycling and processing most of our plastic rubbish. Tigh Sayre’s 10th – 15th April 10.30am – 4.30pm. All are welcome.
Volunteer Galway launch pilot programme in Gort and South Galway:
Volunteer Galway launch pilot programme in Gort and South Galway: are holding an information evening on Thursday 11th April at 7pm at Gort Cancer Support Centre to launch its new pilot outreach programme in Gort and South Galway. The information evening is for community organisations in the Gort, Kinvara and Ardrahan areas to find out more about Volunteer Galway’s services and give advice and feedback on how best to deliver the service. The service can help recruit and advertise for new volunteers, provide volunteer management training, assist with Garda vetting and promote events. Continue reading “Volunteer Galway launch pilot programme in Gort and South Galway:”
Gort Golf Club is…
CALLING ALL LADIES Would you like to take up golf and meet new people but have no idea where to start – look no further; here at Gort Golf Club we have the perfect answer for you! Once again, we will be hosting our very successful ladies ‘Get into Golf’ program. This eight-week beginners’ program which includes four group lessons will commence next month! You will learn the basics of putting, chipping, pitching and the long game in a friendly and relaxed environment. Many of our current lady members have come through this program with PGA Professional, Declan Cunningham – Golfstyle Galway. Everything is provided, just show up and have fun! WHEN: Friday, 12th April Come along, bring a friend! For more information, call/text Maura on 086 467 4522
Ardrahan Church of Ireland
Ardrahan Church of Ireland: will host a concert on Sunday 14th April at 3.00pm. Come and join us for a wonderful afternoon offering a wide range of musical entertainment. Admission by donation with proceeds going towards the restoration of Ardrahan Church, with a donation to Multiple Sclerosis. Everyone is welcome.
Burren Yoga Centre
Burren Yoga Centre: are seeking Chef or Cook either Permanent (all year round) or temporary Sept – May weekends 5 hours per day Fri, Sat + 2 hrs Sun May – Aug 5 or 6 days/week 5 hours per day 2pm to 7pm Burren Yoga & Meditation Centre Apply to Or phone Dave 091-637680 More details at
KAVA Photographic Exibition
‘Uprooted’ shows a refugee’s journey through photography. Showcase Saturday, March 30th at 7pm in KAVA Courthouse. All are welcome.