Men’s yoga class: for absolute beginners Thursdays at 8.30 pm contact Suzie at 0(86) 313 7219
The Loves of Cass Maguire by Brian Friel:
Kinvara Community Centre, Sat March 23rd, 8pm sharp. Clann Machua Drama Group from Kiltimagh returns to the stage in Kinvara to perform this humorous yet moving play by Brian Friel. For more than fifty years Cass McGuire has worked a block from Skid Row, among deadbeats and washouts — people who live in the past. This play deals with her return to Ireland and her genteel family’s rejection of her. It follows her lonely struggle to re-discover the home she’s dreamt of all her life and her eventual surrender to the make-believe of Eden House. This is sure to be a great night’s entertainment so don’t miss it! Tickets €10 available from ‘Be Yourself’ Boutique, Market Square Surgery and on the door. Proceeds in aid of Kinvara Town Twinning.
Hip-Hop Fitness Workout – Kinvara 💕
Come join us on Thursdays in St. Joseph’s N.S for lots of dancing, games, fitness and fun!💕 4pm – Children aged 4yrs to 7yrs 💕 5pm – Children aged 8yrs to 13yrs💕 6pm – ADULTS Fitness Workout! Contact Maeve Mullins on 087-7915324 for more details!
Fáilte Ireland Invite YOU to Join the KNOW GALWAY
Fáilte Ireland Invite YOU to Join the KNOW GALWAY Local Experts Programme to Help Grow Your Local Economy. The programme is to support those involved in the tourism sector and the local community, who welcome and engage with visitors to Galway. This programme will commence with an interactive workshop on what to see and do in Galway. Sign up by choosing from one of the following workshop events:
Tuesday, 26th March @ 10.00am (Registration from 9.30am) OR Tuesday, 26th March @ 6.00pm (Registration from 5.30pm) Venue: The Connacht Hotel, Dublin Road, Galway, H91 K5DD
At the core of this programme will be a network of local people coming together to share their local knowledge to help visitors make the most of their visit to Galway. The programme will also feature, social media initiatives, a Local Experts Pass and opportunities to network with other tourism businesses and interests. The National Tourism Development Authority are calling on all visitor-facing employees, local volunteers and people in the Galway community that regularly interact with visitors. So, if you own a B&B, work in a Hotel, restaurant, retail store, taxi company, or if you are active in your local community, this programme is for you. This is a Free event and places are on a first come first served basis. To register for one of the Workshops listed please email
Biofield Tuners
Jackie Queally is one of only 15 Biofield Tuners Europe-wide who work with this international award-winning research into your sound frequencies. It genuinely eliminates blockages in your energy fields and body, leaving you energised and balanced. Jackie is offering group tunings on Monday 11th March at 7.30 p.m. and then on Tuesday 12th at 10 a.m. in Kinvara community centre for €12 per person. The session lasts about 75 minutes including introduction and a sharing to conclude. Results with other groups have been very successful and interesting. You are very welcome to come along and try it for yourself. 0834 117498 FB: @biofieldtuningireland
KINVARA COMMUNITY COUNCIL Agenda 20th February 2019
Meeting at 8pm 20th February 2019
Community Centre
1. Minutes of last meeting
2. Apologies
3. Matters arising
4. Bottle Bin Issues
5. Heritage map posted on New sign at Quay
6. Cuckoo Fun Run Re-vamp
7. St. Patrick’s Day Parade
8. Joe Byrne/ Galway coco plans to erect barriers on pier at the quay
9. TV Screen for meeting room from Community Development Application.
10. Water Quality
11. Promotion Kinvara businesses in conjunction with Shannon Heritage
12. Town Twinning and Heritage Group Fundraisers
13. Kinvara Plastic Free would like to be proposed as a sub group of the Community Council
14. Date of next meeting – 20th March TBC
Kinvara Community Council Monthly Meeting
Kinvara Community Council’s monthly meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 20th February at 8pm in the community centre. We encourage all members of the community to come and attend these meetings. All sub groups who are affiliated to Kinvara Community Council must send a representative to every KCC meeting in order to maintain their benefits. Any items for inclusion on the agenda must be emailed in before Friday 15th Feb.
The Kinvara Community Children’s Centre Crechendo Ball
The Kinvara Community Children’s Centre will be celebrating its 10 year anniversary this June. To mark the occasion we are holding a celebratory fundraiser, “The Crechendo Ball” on February the 9th in the Lady Gregory Hotel, Gort. Including a prosecco reception, music by Gearoid Devanny and friends, auction and much, much, more! Tickets are €45 per person and are available via the office in the crèche (091 638552) or through current board members including: Breda Waters (086 8342005), Roisin Houlihan (086 4079524)
Roadworks through the village Update
Roadworks through the village; are progressing on programme with expected completion to be end of February. The extent of works is from Sextons corner to just past the junction of the Moy Road. Final wearing course of tarmacadam in the village section between Sextons and Merriman should be completed by Tuesday 5th Feb.
The scope of work has seen footpath upgrade in the village between Healing Harvest and Merriman Hotel, further works will progress on poor sections for the remainder of the works are to the Moy Road junction.
Beach stones which were found under existing road are being retained and the Community Council will discuss a project for same. If anyone has any queries please contact Cllr Joe Byrne on 087-2625775
AVA News: February Events at the Courthouse
KAVA News: February Events at the Courthouse: Tom Portman, dobro/guitarist and songwriter is in concert at The Courthouse, Kinvara on Friday 1st February, 8pm Admission €8, concession €6. Tom’s music draws on folk, blues, swing, classical, trad and all the way to music of the East. Lino Print workshop with Heidi Reich will take place on Saturday February 9th 10.30am to 4.00pm. €30. Places limited. Text or email Heidi to reserve a place: 083 1903107,